๐Ÿ“– Part 1. Understanding Backups

In the previous labs, you saw how easily a user can setup Kasten and perform a basic backup and restore operation. In order to support the broad Kubernetes ecosystem of distributions and storage solutions, as well as the variety of stateful apps running on top, Kasten provides a number of methods for capturing data and ensuring its consistency.

The previous backup and restores were accomplished using the underlying storageโ€™s volumesnapshot capability to perform our backup operation for the disks attached to our application, known as Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). Kasten can create storage snapshots via any CSI driver that supports VolumeSnapshots API or direct storage integrations with AWS EBS & EFS, Azure Managed Disks, GCP Persistent Disk, Ceph RBD, Cinder, vSphere Cloud Native Storage, and Portworx.

All of the objects in the namespace are also captured (e.g. deployment, secrets, configmaps, etc)

Because these backups are performed via storage-based snapshots, they are known as Crash Consistent Backups

Crash Consistent

While this is great for our demo purposes and some applications, there are many workloads that require disk operations to be in a quiesced state during backup, otherwise there is a risk of data corruption which can cause issues upon restore.

One such workload is MongoDB, which is the database backing our high scores in Pacman. And while MongoDB supports volume-level backup via snapshots, the database must be locked during the snapshot process in order to produce a dependable backup, or an Application Consistent Backup

Alternatively, rather than a storage-centric PVC backup, we could use app-specific native tools (e.g. mongodump and mongorestore) to directly export and restore data into our MongoDB at the same time we take a backup of our Kubernetes objects (deployments, secrets, configmaps, etc), which would be a Logical Backup

Backup Types

Fortunately Kasten has the capability to leverage a construct called Kanister Blueprints, which provides a standardized way to perform more advanced operations for application consistent and logical backups.

๐Ÿ“– Part 2. Creating a Blueprint and binding

The good news is our Pacman application leverages an underlying Bitnami instance of MongoDB, so we can simply modify that example blueprint for our purposes.

Create a New Blueprint

  1. Within the Kasten UI, navigate to Blueprints > Blueprints in the side menu

    Blueprints UI

  2. Click + Add Blueprint

  3. Paste the following into the YAML prompt:

     apiVersion: cr.kanister.io/v1alpha1
     kind: Blueprint
       name: mongo-hooks
         - func: KubeExec
           name: lockMongo
               kind: Secret
               name: 'pacman-mongodb'
               namespace: '{{ .Deployment.Namespace }}'
             namespace: "{{ .Deployment.Namespace }}"
             pod: "{{ index .Deployment.Pods 0 }}"
             container: mongodb
             - bash
             - -o
             - errexit
             - -o
             - pipefail
             - -c
             - |
               export MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD='{{ index .Phases.lockMongo.Secrets.mongoDbSecret.Data "mongodb-root-password" | toString }}'
               mongosh --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p "${MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" --eval="db.fsyncLock()"
         - func: KubeExec
           name: unlockMongo
               kind: Secret
               name: 'pacman-mongodb'
               namespace: '{{ .Deployment.Namespace }}'
             namespace: "{{ .Deployment.Namespace }}"
             pod: "{{ index .Deployment.Pods 0 }}"
             container: mongodb
             - bash
             - -o
             - errexit
             - -o
             - pipefail
             - -c
             - |
               export MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD='{{ index .Phases.unlockMongo.Secrets.mongoDbSecret.Data "mongodb-root-password" | toString }}'
               mongosh --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p "${MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" --eval="db.fsyncUnlock()"

    In YAML, spacing is important, so ensure the formatting is copy and pasted correctly without modifications to the spaces

  4. Click Validate and Save

    Validate and Save

  5. A new Blueprint named mongo-hooks should appear within the Blueprints list

    Blueprints List

๐Ÿ“– Part 3. Binding our Blueprint

Now that we have created our Blueprint we need to bind it to our application so that it is automatically run during backup, export, and restore operations.

  1. Using the side menu, navigate to Blueprints > Bindings

    Blueprint Bindings UI

  2. Click + Add New

  3. Specify the following:

    Binding Name pacman-backup
    Blueprint Name mongo-hooks
    Enable Blueprint Binding [checked]
  4. Click Next

  5. Weโ€™ll now specify a constraint to ensure that our blueprint is bound to our application. Weโ€™ll use a simple โ€œMatch All Constraintsโ€ constraint to apply our blueprint to our pacman application via namespace. Click Add New Constraint and select Namespace in the drop-down list:

    Blueprint Constraints

  6. Leave the default Operator of In and specify the namespace Pacman

  7. Still in the Match All Constraints pane, click Add New Constraint and select Type

    Add New Constraint

  8. Leave the default Operator of In and specify Type

  9. For the Type Constraint, specify the following:

    Group [leave blank]
    Version [leave blank]
    Resource deployments
    Name pacman-mongodb
  10. Click Next

  11. Click Submit

    Blueprint Bindings List

    Rather than use bindings via the UI, we could simply annotate the deployment to point it to the mongo-hook blueprint we created earlier kubectl annotate deployment pacman-mongodb kanister.kasten.io/blueprint='mongo-hooks' -n pacman

  12. Using the navigation menu to the left, click Applications then click on Pacman in the list. A modul will appear outlining the application components, and you should see the blueprint we just created automatically bound to the pacman-mongodb deployment:

    Pacman-MongoDB Binding

    Now when we run our previously configured backup job pacman-backup, our blueprint will automatically run to pause database operations on our Pacman score database.

  13. Close the Application Details modul by clicking the X in the upper right corner and navigate to Policies using the left-hand pane.

  14. Click Run Once on the pacman-backup policy

    Run Pacman-Backup

  15. Click Yes, Continue when prompted.

  16. Click on Dashboard in the left navigate pane to monitor the backup policy run action and under the Actions section, click on the running Policy Run action.

  17. All phases should complete successfully and we have taken an Application Consistent backup of our Pacman Application. Rejoice!

    Pacman Backup Completed

Part 4. Takeaways

  • Kasten supports multiple backup types, including crash consistent, application consistent, and logical
  • Application consistent and logical backups are performed via Kanister Blueprints
  • The Kanister Project is an open source project with community-authored blueprints
  • Blueprints are bound to workloads via Blueprint Bindings which can be applied via a number of ways within the UI or YAML directly

๐Ÿ Part 5. Conclusion

Congratulations, you finished the Kasten Demo on Red Hat OpenShift! While we only covered a simple crash consistent and application consistent backup and restore in this demo, Kasten can do much more, such as:

  • Backup and protect off-cluster workloads (e.g. RDS, Azure CosmosDB, etc)
  • Backup and protect OpenShift Virtualization VM workloads
  • Prevent data loss and help you quickly recover in the event of a disaster (e.g. a Ransomware attack)
  • Migrate application and VM workloads from non-OpenShift K8s clusters to OpenShift
  • Migrate workloads from on-premises to the cloud, or vice versa
  • Integrate with CI/CD pipelines to automatically backup and protect workloads as they are deployed

To learn more visit kasten.io